Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Week of Firsts!

Well what a week for Kayley. First on Thursday she got her first hair cut!! She did a great job and sat there so nice. She doesn't have a lot of hair to start with but the top was hanging in her eyes, so Liz trimmed the fuzzy stuff in the back and gave her bangs so we could see her eyes. It made her look older.
Then the next day she was playing with a stocking hat. She had it clear down over her face and was spinning with it on. I was about to tell her to stop when she fell and hit the end table. We ended up taking her to the doctor and she got 3 stiches. She did pretty good with that to considering. It took daddy and a nurse to hold her but it hasn't slowed her up any.
Lets hope this is it for this week. At this rate we should have a plaque at Callaway Hospital cause I think we have paid for most the new addition!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Taya's Braces

Taya has had braces since May. If you really looked at her teeth before you can tell they are working. After this last check up she picked pink and orange for her colors. Soon she will be a beautiful woman. Time goes so fast. I guess it is time to start thinking about installing the alarm system with bars on the windows!! :o)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Boys Check Up

Today the boys had a check-up and got their RSV shots and the other part of their flu shot. Kaden weighed 15 lbs. 8 oz. and Trevin weighed 14 lbs. 10 oz. Trevin is going to have an ultrasound on his hips next Thursday. He has been having some popping in his joints. They want to just make sure that it is just loose ligaments instead of something else going on. Other than a little stuffy nose they are both looking great.
This picture was taken the day after X-Mas. It is Daddy and his boys. We went out to watch the crew shoot blue rock. They loved it.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Guess Who Is A Big Girl!!

Guess who is getting to be a big girl. I hate to say we are there, but tonight she went in all by herself and did a big poopy! We were all so happy!! Sorry for those readers that this may offend but we look for the small joys in life!

She was so proud!

Here's hoping our diaper days are almost behind us!! Oh Wait... (ha ha ha. Well at least one down two to go! )

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sunrise Jan, 14th

I got up and took pictures of the sunrise yesterday morning. It was cold but I think it was well worth it!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Must Get It From Her Father

Taya sure likes Shannon's new "Elmer Fud" hat! What a Goof!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Phil Gone Wild

Yesterday Phil got on Mom & Dads pick-up. He is starting to get grouchy. Or just more comfortable.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not Thrilled

This face just says would you please not take any more.I just want to eat in peace. This is Kaden eating carrots.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sunrise This Morning

The sunrise was so beautiful this morning! I went out early before the weather moved in. Hard to belive that it turned that fast and ended up snowing before the day was out. I love living in Nebraska!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Peace and Beauty

I took this photo the Wed. before deer season. Kayley and I rode out to "scope" deer. It is just north of the house. Everything looks so peaceful. I love living out here!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Watch Out Below!

Well we had a crash down the steps in the garage. It is just the little set up to the door, but they still do some damage! Kayley and Daddy were getting ready to go feed cows and she was all dressed. Daddy was putting on his boots when he heard a thump. He doesn't know for sure what happened just that it was fast. She was laying on the steps and her eye was burgered up. She did a good job and got kinda her first black eye. However she is tough enough it didn't slow her down. She cried just a minute rubbed it and said cheek and away she went.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Feeding Phil

We went out to see Phil yeasterday. Dad, Taya and I. We get closer all the time. Dad had some corn in the pockets of his sweatshirt. Phil was getting so close that Taya thought she would try to get him to eat out of her hand. It took a few trys but he finally did. She was really excited. The picture is kinda blurry but if you look close you can see the corn in his mouth.

I Found A New Babysitter!! NOT!!

Kayley likes climbing into the cribs with the boys. It makes me a little nervous some times but so far it has worked out. Lord knows they will have to be tough.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year!

Another year has come and what a year we just had! Here is a picture of my Babies. We had new pictures taken at Sears friday. Taya is 11 1/2 Kayley 2 and the boys 6 months. They all did so good. Kayley wasn't as thrilled this time as last but she didn't do to bad. The boys are little hams. There pics didn't take long at all.
Today we are taking down the tree and packing all the X-mas decore away for another year. This time of year is kinda sad because the Chrisrtmas season is ending but exciting for all the new things to come. I wish it a very Happy and Safe year for all.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Punny!!

Today is Kayley's 2nd Birthday!! There is no one else like her. I can't imagine one day without her smile. She brings such joy and excitement to our lives!!
We had a Husker B-day party for her during the Gator Bowl. It turned out great!! She is such a football nut.
All I have to say is if the terrible two's are anything like the last 2 years, we are in trouble!!! : )